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Re-membering Eden.

Huemanity once mistakingly imagined itself to be separate from nature & in that split second of forgetting our essence, we fell into a quantum spiral of seeking & egoic illusions of separation.



Though now we are beginning to remember.



The Masters, Ancients & sacred Wisdom keepers are here and our eyes are wide open, while the walls around our hearts begin to crumble.



Moving deeper into this post, I would like to speak directly to the womb-carrying two-legged out there....


The rise of the feminine is the rise of the divine, nurturing mother that exists within us all.


The healing of this aspect of the collective will lead us all home... And can materialize the co-existence of hueman & nature once again...🦋


As a wombyn patiently walking the walk - have come to remember a core truth that I feel called to share today.


That we as wombyn have an innate & instinctual ability to lead huemanity back the cosmic heart of all creation.


Those Women running along side the Great Wolves shall never be stopped.



And across the world, the Ancient Queens are returning to this plane guided by Madre Jaguar ... .

We are now Dancing through the matrix with a graceful, discerning prowlness that cannot be touched, nor premeditated.



As the Young Matriarchs rise up globally, the wise Monarch spirit reminds us of the constant evolution & transformation for all... 🦋 that is given breath each time we give way to our own personal revolutions.




In a world where it seems nearly impossible to separate fact from fiction or the ominous grey space in between...


All we can do is continue to transform our own hearts, to tend to our own gardens and evolve our own ways of being to walk through this life in the fullest expression to our truest of truths.




Today I am sending prayers & celebrations for ALL the Sisters, Brothers and Children globally who are standing up & saying yes to small, daily actions that will undoubtedly actualize the change we know is possible in the deepest depths of all that we are.



Thank you , thank you, thank you.

Gracías, gracías, gracías. .

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